Free Webinar: Market Abuse Monitoring for REMIT UMM's

Article 4 of REMIT requires the obligation to disclose inside information including planned or unplanned unavailability of electricity, natural gas, or capacity and use of LNG facilities.

These disclosures in the form of UMM’s are made publicly available but are fragmented across different websites.

Market participants must monitor the company’s financial trading activity to ensure there is no insider trading in association with REMIT UMM’s.

Insider Trading before UMM Webinar with Live Demo


How do you monitor for insider trading
related to REMIT UMM’s?

We have developed a new market abuse scenario ‘Insider Trading before UMM’ that is supported with an automated UMM API within our surveillance solution CMC:eMarket Abuse which enables market participants to quickly and easily monitor urgent market messages in one central location while concentrating on what is most important for you.

In our webinar, we will provide an overview of our new market abuse scenario and how it is helping customers manage UMM’s and monitor for insider trading.

The webinar will explore:

  • Overview of monitoring requirements for REMIT UMM’s
  • b-next approach to monitoring REMIT UMM’s
  • Brief demo of  ‘Insider Trading before UMM’
  • Q&A session: your questions answered

Sign up for our webinar online



22 August 2019
19 September 2019


15:00 CET


1 hour

Participation fee per institution:


Terms and conditions:

The webinar will be held via Cisco WebEx. No WebEx registration or additional payments required.