From the world of b-next

Controller (all genders)

b-next ist ein führender Anbieter von Lösungen für die Überwachung des Kapitalmarkthandels und Einhaltung von regulatorischen Vorschriften. Mit einer 34-jährigen Geschichte im Bereich Capital Markets Compliance mit Hauptsitz in Herford und Standorten in Lviv/Ukraine, London/UK und den USA. Diversity-Kultur wird in unserem Unternehmen gelebt! Als internationales Team suchen wir für unseren Standort in Herford einen […]

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The Evolving Global Regulatory Landscape of Trading

Written by Katie Pollock It is no secret that financial services firms globally are experiencing difficulty keeping pace with the ever-evolving regulatory landscape and increase in enforcement, which has had an impact on the day-to-day workload of most employees. Regulators globally have sent strong messages to financial institutions operating manipulative trading practices. In the most […]

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Interview with b-next Chief Technology Officer Dmytro Berdnik: Driving Innovation in the World of Compliance

At b-next, innovation is not just a buzzword; it’s a core philosophy that drives us to stay at the forefront of the compliance industry. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with our Chief Technology Officer, Dmytro Berdnik, to discuss the role of innovation in shaping our solutions and the evolving landscape of technology […]

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Interview with Wolfgang Fabisch, CEO of b-next

Meet Wolfgang Fabisch, the CEO of b-next, and gain exclusive insights into the vision and future of b-next. In this captivating interview, Mr. Fabisch discusses our company’s remarkable journey, the developments in the compliance industry, and what sets b-next apart from other market players. What is your vision for b-next? Where do you see b-next […]

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Can you afford to overlook the total cost of compliance?

Can you afford to overlook the total cost of compliance? As participants in global financial markets navigate stormy economic conditions, not a day goes by without news of increasing interest rates and costs. Inflationary pressure and escalating expenses may tempt participants to overlook the long term cost of compliance in favour of short-term fixes. However, […]

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