Press releases

German IT company b-next opens its Lviv Office


Thursday, November 26th, in Lviv, 77 Heroiv UPA Street, German IT company b-next opened its office. The company develops and supplies proven multi-venue, multi-asset class, Capital Markets Surveillance and Compliance software solutions.

‘The company was founded 26 years ago. Currently the company has more than 60 employees. We cooperate with financial industry and today b-next is on the global market. The company deals with Capital Markets Compliance. Once a Frenchman lost almost €5 billion, and our software solutions help to escape such situations. Today we cooperate with the whole world,’ – said Wolfgang Fabisch, CEO of b-next. Currently, b-next has 12 employees in Lviv, and in a year we plan to increase this number to 30.

‘Lviv is a wonderful city. There are many smart people here that we lack in Europe. Now we have 12 employees in Lviv and in a year we plan to have thirty. Our idea is to create and sell the products and not just increase revenue of the company. Salary is not a problem and if the person has knowledge, we will have possibility to offer him/her a good salary. Some colleagues of mine consider that IT companies expand to Lviv because of cheap workforce. We go to Lviv because people are smart here,’ – said Wolfgang Fabisch.

Dmytro Prosyanko, Lviv Development Center Leader of b-next, indicated that the company aims not only to involve experienced specialists, but it is greatly interested in cooperation with young specialists.
‘We gave informative lectures at the Universities. After that five people came to us and one student passed the interview successfully. We are ready to invest in people. Those people that work for us are top-level specialists, who could get this job anyway, whereas when we offer the first job to young specialist that will be achievement,’ commented Dmytro Prosyanko.

The mayor of Lviv congratulated the company with the start. ‘It’s a pleasure that new companies open their offices in Lviv and create new jobs. Moreover, today we talk about the company that has its offices in New York and London. I’d like Lviv to be more and more presented in the paramount world. This world is small and there are not so many smart people in it. Therefore I am glad that just over here, in this office, the smart people gathered together for cooperation,’ said Andrii Sadovyi.

The city mayor presented Wolfgang Fabisch with a coin of king Daniel of Galicia and wished his company good orders and high salary. ‘I wish your company officially high salary and, consequently, high taxes to local budget, which will allow us to repair the road near your office,’ said the mayor.  ‘That is our city and we have to be together, because in unity lies our strength’ added Andrii Sadovyi.